Local Dominican airport turns international for just 4 hours

Touristic guide

Dominican Republic / Touristic guide 1086 Views comments

Montecristi, Dominican Republic.- The landing of the modern, twin-engine AG glider plane of US registry, officially converted Montecristi Airport into an international flights terminal during four hours, heralding future arrivals of sport aircraft to an International Airport.

The terminal’s categorization is a task being managed by the Montecristi Airport Commission, chaired by Border Development director, Miguel Bejarán.

It’s also formed by the Montecristi Tourism Cluster, the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute , the Dominican Airport Department, the Customs agency, Airport Security and Antinarcotics (DNCD).

Bejarán said the Osvaldo Virgil Airport’s transformation into an international airport will boost tourist and agro production the northwestern provinces, with a gradual regularization of flights from Florida, in his view increasing the arrival of US visitors and of other nationalities, ” being Montecristi the Dominican geographic point closest to US territory.”
